Freitag, 7. Februar 2014


The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.

William C. Bryant

This is my second block for my 2014-quilt.
If you are interested: I described my plan on January 5 here.

And this is how January and February look like when put together: 
It's just the patchwork, no quilting is done yet.
I start to realize that each block has a character of its own, it just depends on how I feel, and this especially becomes obvious since I design each pattern by myself.
I don't think it's just me: with every quilter I've talked to so far it just had been so evident that a huge part of one's personal life is weaved into the individual quilt-making, and that's what I like to see and to do myself and what makes it all so special. It's like story-telling.
I'm very curious about what will happen in the "March"- chapter! :-)