Sonntag, 30. Juli 2017

Backgammon Quilt

I made a few quilts recently which not only may decorate a table 
but which also are meant to invite persons to sit down and 
play a game together. 

This quilt is for playing Backgammon.
I only recently learned the basic rules and 
I think Backgammon is a very classy game,
apparently one with a rich historic tradition.

Here is a Backgammon set that was used at the Belvedere Castle (Weimar, Germany) in the early 18th century. I liked the design, so that's what made be being interested in this game.

And since it's International Friendship Day today,
what better way is there to celebrate friendships 
than to sit down together at a nice table and play a game?

On the picture above is shown the starting position. 

The rules for Backgammon can be found here:

The dimensions of this quilt are 54 cm x 45 cm, or roughly 21" x 18".
It is a hand sewn and hand quilted thin piece, consisting of three layers of cotton fabrics.

Interested to learn more about the International Friendship Day?

I think we should celebrate that idea daily!

Enjoy this day today!

Freitag, 21. Juli 2017


I had been to the "Gardens of the World" in Berlin.
It's a large area with gardens which are created in different styles: 
Chinese, Japanese, English, Balinese ....
I especially loved the Moroccan Garden, which also shows lots of gorgeous mosaics.
And in these mosaics I recognized some of these ancient forms which also occur in quilt patterns, 
and here it was again, what I so much love, the bridge between different cultures and centuries,
shown in patterns which occur all over the globe at different times.

Here are some pictures of the mosaics and pictures of quilt patterns.