Sonntag, 30. April 2017

“But the most wonderful thing of all, our highest achievement and the one thing for which I pray we will always be remembered, is stuffing wads of polyester into an anatomically incorrect, cartoonish ideal of one of nature's most fearsome predators for no other reason than to soothe a child.”

Rick Yancey, The Last Star

Sonntag, 16. April 2017

Happy Easter!

Awake, you wintry earth -
Flying off the sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!

Thomas Blackburn
An Easter Hymn

Mittwoch, 5. April 2017

Political Quilts

There is a great article by Cindy Dampier in the Chicago Tribune about "political quilts":
"Uniting politically divided quilters, stitch by stitch":

As for me, I think that every quilt is "political", because it always carries an important message:
A quilter is doing the constructive and creative and patient work of bringing pieces together, which had come a long way from multiple sources and often are telling stories of completely diverse backgrounds. In combining these little pieces a quilter uses certain patterns or motifs and thereby he or she is drawing on rich historical traditions which have roots on every continent on earth. Even when using modern patterns or not using any pattern at all or using a gun as a motif: all this is based on traditions and on the work of someone else who has lived somewhere else in time and space, and all these multicultural efforts find their reflections in the combined pieces of a quilt.
All this is done to create an object that gives warmth, comfort, protection or that is shown as a piece of art to meet the emotions, the intellect and ideas of others. Thereby a quilt (even if one doesn't like its appearance or style or motif) always tells the story of creating an item that mirrors the idea of coming together, of cooperation, of hoping for peace on earth, and that is the most profound political message I can imagine.
Enjoy the article, it is very well written I think.

Samstag, 1. April 2017


This is a sketch I made of a labyrinth, I had found a similar image on the internet.

I like that one very much because when you enter this labyrinth you can't go wrong!
It's just a question of walking ahead and of staying in a good mood, even if it feels as though it's a long and even longer way to go and as if one is moving away from the destination more and more, 
whereas yes, in fact one gets closer and closer and the goal can't be missed.

I tried to translate this maze into a work of patchwork and made a wallhanging.
(34 + 34 cm, 13,3" + 13,3")

I applied a slight line, drawn with chalk, to indicate, that yes, 
someone already went this way! 
It can hardly be detected, one has to look very closely.

"That (labyrinth)...became a world whose rules I lived by, and I understood the moral of mazes: sometimes you have to turn your back on your goal to get there, sometimes you're farthest away when you're closest, sometimes the only way is the long one."

- Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust