Samstag, 25. Juni 2011


I have been thinking about "weeds" in my work and I came to the conclusion that there is no such thing.

Sometimes something does not "grow" at the right place, however. Well, in that case I "plant" it elsewhere in my "garden". Or I give it away.

Sometimes I have to wait what becomes of a "plant" in my work, maybe it's just a new flower that waits to be discovered? I love wild things and surprises! (well, sometimes that is.)

And sometimes it's just fun to pull a plant which, as it turns out, shouldn't grow in my garden (I remove a particular patch in my quilt) and give it to my beautiful pile of "compost", which is, in the context of my work, my scrapbag! So many great new things can grow on good soil, enriched by compost! And how often did I find great scraps in my pile, scraps which were just needed right at this time for this particular purpose!