Dienstag, 23. Februar 2016

Flying Geese

This is a daybed, covered with my latest quilt.
It's my first quilt that is not made for lying beneath it but for sitting upon it.
It is made in a non-delicate manner, that means this quilt is a robust one, it consists of strong fabrics, is padded with a rather thick cotton batting and the quilting is done with an extra strong thread.
The pattern is a Flying Geese variation.

It's also the first time that I tried out the "quilt-as-you-go"-method, 
that means I completed each patchwork block, added the batting and backing, quilted the center line, and assembled the finished blocks one by one by sewing the edges of the layers together, rather than working on the top first and adding batting and backing as whole pieces later, in order to quilt them afterwards.
It was crucial here to not quilt in close proximity to the edges, because then it would have been almost impossible for me to assemble the sandwiched blocks.
This method is a bit tricky, I didn't find it easy to sew together the different layers, 
but the beauty of this process is that I didn't have to deal with the painful process of assembling these super large pieces of fabric, I almost always had ended up doing so lying on the floor for hours to stretch out and to baste top/ batting/ backing and this is simply too much for my back these days. :-)

I'm glad I made it!!
