I so much love a good bookmark. I think and feel that it adds to the pleasure of reading a book in a profound way: it accompanies me during the entire process, it reminds me gently of the page where I stopped reading, it greets me beautifully when I get back to my book again after a break, it assumes the scent of the pages, I can hold and wring it when living through the most thrilling and heart-stopping passages... and it still looks good afterwards (hopefully)!
The book I'm currently reading and which is shown here with my new bookmarks is "The Signature of All Things" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I'm only halfway through but I can only say that it's been a long time that I had been so absolutely fascinated by a book. Since "Moby Dick" and "Cloud Atlas" I haven't had a book in my hands which I really don't want to go away from for a single minute. It is so excellently and expertly written, the story is so touching and timeless. The authoress takes my hands and leads me to worlds unknown and yet so familiar that reading this book is both an adventure and a homecoming.
Also: this book is adorned with wonderful illustrations!
These bookmarks here came into being after I made the spool-flowers which can be seen in my post below here. This is the same pattern, it's only used twice. My bookmarks consist of three layers of fabric like in a real quilt, they are sewn and quilted by hand (the machine would be completely useless here since it's all bows and tiny edges, it's a bit tricky to get that all done evenly).
Dimensions are 15 x 7,5 cm/ 6" x 3"