Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2024

My Pennants / Meine Wimpel

My newest passion: pennants! In all variants. Patchwork or appliquéd. As single pieces, or assembled as a chain - 

they tell me, it's time to celebrate, and to show it - or, if I cannot come up with a reason to celebrate anything right now, they remind me that soon such a time will arrive again, and then I'm well prepared!

In any case, for me pennants are a symbol of joy, and their motifs send a message.

Wimpel, Wimpelketten, mit Patchwork- oder Applikationsmotiven, für mich symbolisieren sie etwas Fröhliches! 

Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2024




Autumn…the year’s last, loveliest smile – 

William Cullen

Happy autumn everyone!

Habt alle einen schönen Herbst!

updated: October 6, 2024

Sonntag, 5. März 2023

Lesezeichen * Bookmarks


My favourite poem about bookmarks - 
Dieses wunderschöne Gedicht sagt so viel darüber aus, was Lesen bedeutet und wozu ein schönes Lesezeichen dient: 

Ciardi, John

A Bookmark
You go out in a ship, up in a plane,
Around in a car, and far in a train.
But every good book that you begin
Goes far, around, up, out and in.
As far in as imagining goes
To time, or to anywhere anyone knows.
Have a good trip! And just in case
You stop to rest, I'll hold your place.

Habt alle viel Freude mit Büchern und Geschichten,

I wish you all a good time with beautiful books and stories! 


Just a note:

the picture of a bookmark will be renewed here every once in a while.

- das Bild eines Lesezeichens werde ich hier immer mal wieder erneuern.

Enjoy lovely and joyful autumn days.
Habt schöne und frohe Herbsttage.


last updated: October 6,  2024

Montag, 31. Oktober 2022

 ... if you are interested : please go to to meet some Haiku-poems which go together with Ginkgo-leaves

... falls du Interesse hast: auf zeige ich einige Ginkgo-Blätter, die mit Haiku-Gedichten zusammen gehen 

All the best! Herzlichst!


Freitag, 12. August 2022

So, this August it’s been 12 years now since I opened a patchwork- and quilting- studio, and to this day it’s 11 and a half year since I started this blog, and yes, now, after 560 posts, it is a good time to go elsewhere and find new ways to go. Maybe I’ll begin to write a new blog soon, if so, I will tell you here. 

My plan for now is to concentrate on my work which is lying in front of me on my table and which primarily consists of making bookmarks these days. How much I love the companionship of book and bookmark!

At the moment I like to work with persons who visit me here at home at my worktable or who I meet elsewhere in the world. I think my baskets here on this blog had now been filled with lots of ideas, patches and motives (and errors) - please feel free to come here anytime and hopefully you find, read or see something you like!

With love!


Es ist nun im August 12 Jahre her, dass ich mein erstes Patchwork- und Quilting-Studio eröffnete und genau heute, an diesem Tag vor 11 1/2 Jahren, habe ich zum ersten Mal einen Beitrag für diesen Blog geschrieben. Ich denke, nach nun 560 Posts, ist es nun an der Zeit, etwas Neues zu beginnen und andere Wege zu gehen. Vielleicht beginne ich einen neuen Blog zu schreiben, ich würde dann einen Hinweis darauf hier notieren.

Ich plane zur Zeit, mich auf die vor mir auf meinem Werktisch liegende Arbeit zu konzentrieren, im Moment sind das vor allem Lesezeichen. Ich liebe so sehr das Zusammenspiel von Buch und Lesezeichen!

Im Moment mag ich gern mit Menschen direkt vor Ort arbeiten, die mich z.B. zuhause an meinem Werktisch besuchen, oder die ich irgendwo auf der Welt treffe. 

Also: Ich denke, meine Körbe hier auf diesem Blog sind nun gut gefüllt mit Ideen, Stoffstücken und Motiven aller Art (und auch einigen Irrwegen) - bitte komm und schau nach und vielleicht findest du etwas was dir gefällt!



Freitag, 22. Juli 2022

July Origami Purse


I show such a purse every month of this year here, and for July I'm already a bit late now - but here it is, my Origami purse for July, I just like so much the effect when they open their "wings"! - 
and as always such a purse is made to hold some little things, and in my case they hold small folded notes with an Haiku poem written on it.  

This (German) Haiku is about a purring cat, she's here:

Happy summer days everyone!

In case anyone would like to check on how to fold the Origami-paper-purse, I found useful instructions here:

For working with fabrics I added some things like a double layer of fabrics, a third layer in the center for a reinforced downside or special seams or quilted lines, and a small button inside. (sewn and quilted by hand)

Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022

Traditional Patterns in Bookmarks

Here are a couple of bookmarks showing traditional patterns, 
and I use them here in some of my favorite books, 
which are: 

John Berger, Das Kunstwerk, Wagenbach, 1992

the names of the patterns are:
Churn Dash, Card Tricks and Road to California

Anthony Doerr, Cloud Cuckoo Land,
HarperCollins 2021

the name of the pattern is: 
Log Cabin

David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue,
Sceptre, 2020

here simple patches are used and hand-quilted 
(as all my bookmarks are hand-sewn and hand-quilted)

Kristin Hannah, The Four Winds,
St. Martin's Press, 2021

the names of the patterns are:
Maltese Cross and Pinwheels

Isabel Allende, A Long Petal of the Sea,
Bloomsbury 2020

the names of the patterns are:
Four-Pointed Star,  Nine Patch and Amish Diamond

... and this is the book "Creativity, the perfect crime" by 
Philippe Petit (the legendary tightrope-dancer) and

the name of the pattern in my bookmark here is "Irish Chain"

I wish you have a lovely summer time and - if you like books - have always some lovely books at hand to accompany you.

Sonntag, 5. Juni 2022

June - Origami Purse

...  this is my Origami - purse for June : 
like the ones shown here before, this one, too, holds little things,
like now my folded note of a June-Haiku,

and opens up like this:

In case anyone would like to check on how to fold the Origami-paper-purse, I found useful instructions here:

For working with fabrics I added some things like a double layer of fabrics, a third layer in the center for a reinforced downside or special seams or quilted lines, and a small button inside. (sewn and quilted by hand)


Dienstag, 3. Mai 2022

May - Origami Purse

...  such a purse holds little things, like this folded note of a May-Haiku,
and opens up like this:


In case anyone would like to check on how to fold the Origami-paper-purse, I found useful instructions here:

For working with fabrics I added some things like a double layer of fabrics, a third layer in the center for a reinforced downside or special seams or quilted lines, and a small button inside. (sewn and quilted by hand)

Have a lovely May!

Samstag, 23. April 2022

Bookmark "Zolofelo"


a bookmark I made (three layers of fabric, patchwork & appliqué, sewn and quilted by hand),
I call this design "Zolofelo", which is an African name and means 
Joy and Hope 

Here are some more:

Samstag, 16. April 2022

Happy Easter!

“If anyone or anything tries to curse or kill the Goodness at the Center of all things, it will just keep coming back to life. Forever Easter.” 

― David Housholder, The Blackberry Bush

Happy Easter!  

Sonntag, 3. April 2022

April - Origami Purse

... and it holds a little Haiku-Note :

In case anyone would like to check on how to fold the Origami-paper-purse, I found useful instructions here:

For working with fabrics I added some things like a double layer of fabrics, a third layer in the center for a reinforced downside or special seams or quilted lines, and a small button inside. (sewn and quilted by hand)

Dienstag, 8. März 2022

March - Origami Purse


... and when it opens, it's like this :

It can hold little things, like this folded note with a Haiku-poem written on it:

In case anyone would like to check on how to fold the Origami-paper-purse, I found useful instructions here:

For working with fabrics I added some things like a double layer of fabrics, a third layer in the center for a reinforced downside or special seams or quilted lines, and a small button inside. (sewn and quilted by hand)


Sonntag, 27. Februar 2022

Three Origami-Inspired Bookmarks


These leaves unfold from the center and have an enveloped stem at the bottom.

If anyone is a bookmark - enthusiast like me,
please go to this fantastic site with lots of lovely quotes, sayings and poems about bookmarks: